After all, immortality doesn't automatically translate to invincibility, it just means you cannot die.
No one had lost faith in the invincibility of the troops but everyone, the civilians at least, had lost faith in the General. New Hope Church was only thirty-five miles from Atlanta!
As Olga Maiorova of the University of Michigan notes, in the book Dostoyevsky hopes Russia will continue its conquest into Asia, so that people " all the way to India" might " become convinced of the invincibility of the white tsar" .
正如密歇根大学的 Olga Maiorova 指出的那样,陀思妥耶夫斯基在书中希望俄罗斯继续征服亚洲, 以便“远道而来的印度” 的人们“相信白人沙皇是不可战胜的” 。