1.It was incongruous to see a thief sitting there cheek by jowl with the policeman.
2.If he’d known that he was to find himself seated cheek by jowl with his old enemy he wouldn’t have attended the dinner.
1." Nothing! " spat Filch, his jowls quivering unpleasantly.
“没干吗! ”往地上唾了一口,他的下巴令人不愉快地抖动着。
2.Bulldog drool courses through his jowls!
3." Professor Slughorn, " wheezed Filch, his jowls aquiver and the maniacal light of mischief-detection in his bulging eyes.
4.Would the sweat be running down Pissaro's fat jowls into his collar?
汗水会顺着 Pissaro 丰满的下巴流到他的衣领里吗?机翻
5.He had his old confidence and an air of prosperity and big sudden jowls.
他有他往日的自信, 一副富足的神气, 还有突如其来的大下巴。机翻
6.The sulking gives you jowls, it's not attractive.
你生气时候 下巴很看。
7.Into Jack's eyes drool hung from his long jowls.
杰克的眼睛里, 长长的下巴上垂着口水。机翻
8.He was a big man, clean shaven, with a heavy jowl.
他是个大个子, 胡子刮得干干净净, 下巴很厚。机翻
9.He's definitely had his jowls done.
10.A smile creased his mouth, pulled at the lines of his jowls.
11.Hiro realized he could cover Oldman's cheeks, jowls, neck, chin, and nose.
Hiro 意识到他可以遮住 Oldman 的脸颊、下巴、脖子、下巴鼻子。机翻
12.He felt the flesh rip on the dog's swaying jowls and heard it yelp in pain.
13.Fiction will be much the better for standing cheek by jowl with poetry and philosophy.
14.Once the bacon taste goes, it tastes gross Eoghan: Pork jowl. Appetizing.
戴维: 一旦培根的味道消失了,它就会变得恶心 Eoghan: 猪颈肉。 开胃。机翻
15.He twisted in the air, struggling to claw eyes, jowls, tongue, but his thrashing paws met nothing.
16.The driver—a middle-aged man with thick dark hair and jowls that wobbled as he moved—stepped out to open her door.
司机——一个留着浓密黑发的中年男人, 下巴随着他的移动而颤抖——走出来打开她的车门。机翻
17." Still. He is the king" . Slynt's jowls quivered when he frowned. " The Lord of the Seven Kingdoms."
" 是啊,但他到底还是国王嘛," 史林特皱起眉头,肥厚的两颊跟着晃动不休," 是堂堂的七国之君呢。"
18.He was heavily built;he had a great jowl; to balance that he had very small eyes;he was very red in the face.
他身材魁梧, 下巴很大;为了平衡他的眼睛很小; 他的脸很红。机翻
19.There were purple patches on his sunken, veined cheeks, his jowls were aquiver and his thin grey hair dishevelled; he had obviously run here.
20.They turned just in time to see the shadow of Argus Filch looming over the wall behind them before the man himself turned the corner, hunchbacked, his jowls aquiver.