2.There is anomalousness in a neutrino as well,and the anomalous quantities are the inevitable outcome of the dynamical model of the subquark structure of a lepton.
9.That model, she explains, told us there were 17 building blocks of nature: six quarks, six leptons, four force-carrier particles, and the Higgs boson.
10.Two of cern's detectors—atlas and cms—have recently announced hints of excesses in the production of this and other heavy fermions, notably bottom quarks and tau leptons.
cern 的两个探测器——atlas 和 cms——最近宣布了这种和其他重费米产生过量的迹象,特别底和 tau 轻。机翻
11.The Standard Model consists of six quarks, six leptons, five known bosons and a postulated sixth, the Higgs boson (named for a Scottish scientist, Peter Higgs), plus three of the four physical forces: the strong and weak nuclear forces and electromagnetism.
12.One way in which these mesons decay is by the transformation of the bottom antiquark into a so-called " strange" antiquark and a pair of leptons, a different class of fundamental particle that includes electrons and their more massive cousins, muons.