| 划词

1.It is the unsolidified sediment consisting of disordered kaolinite and small amount organic matter and lignite materials.



2.In this study a series of different maturation degree coals are yielded by thermally treating a lowgrade lignite, and are used as the sorbents for sorption equilibrium study of phenanthrene.




marsoon, Marsquake, Marsred, Marston, marstraining, marsupial, Marsupialia, marsupialise, marsupialization, marsupialize,


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独霸 第二期

1.They often make mistakes: Germany's support for cheap, dirty lignite caused emissions to rise, notwithstanding huge subsidies for renewables.


「独霸 第二期」评价该例句:好评差评指正
经济 Finance and economics

2.For months campaigners blocked the site's demolition after Robert Habeck, the country's energy minister, allowed a utility firm to mine for lignite—the dirtiest form of coal—under its graffitied houses.

该国能源部长罗伯特·哈贝克 (Robert Habeck) 允许一家公用事业公司其满是涂鸦的房屋下开采褐煤(最脏的煤炭),活动士数月来一直阻止拆除该地点。机翻

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经济 Business

3.Three days later it signed an agreement with Germany's regional and federal governments to bring forward plans to stop generating electricity with lignite, an especially filthy sort of coal, by eight years to 2030.

三天,它与德国地方政府和联邦政府签署了一项 2030 年前 8 年停止使用褐煤(一种特别肮脏的煤炭)发电的计划。机翻

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经济 Business

4.In 2019, for instance, activists camping in dozens of treehouses stopped it from clearing what was left of the Hambacher forest, a once-vast tract of woodland in western Germany, in order to continue mining lignite.

例如,2019 年,活动数十座树屋中露营, 阻止它清理 Hambacher 森林(德国西部曾经是一片广阔的林地)的剩余部分, 以继续开采褐煤机翻

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经济 Business

5.Markus Krebber, the firm's boss, told analysts that its lignite business is likely to be hived off as a non-profit foundation as soon as the current energy crisis ends and German politicians have the time to give regulatory approval.

该公司的老板马库斯·克雷伯 (Markus Krebber) 告诉分析师,一旦当前的能源危机结束并且德国政界士有时间给予监管批准,其褐煤业务可能会作为一个非营利基金会分拆出来。机翻

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martialize, martially, Martian, Martianologist, Martians, marticin, martin, Martin Heidegger, Martin Luther, Martin Luther King,


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