8.He unlocked the gate, and found that a spider had already constructed a large web, tying the door to the lintel, on the supposition that it was never to be opened again.
9.The month was July, the morning fine, the glass-door stood ajar, through it played a fresh breeze, and plants, growing at the lintel, waved, bent, looked in, seeming to whisper tidings.
10.It lay like a golden rod under the front-door—and vanished. It reappeared like a gold thread under the lintel—and vanished for good. We heard the stairs creak, creak, and cease, also for good.
11.He was there. One boy stood with his back to the camera, leaning stooped against a gate lintel, and on the finger of the hand that held the post there was a ring she recognized.
12.12-9 He was there. One boy stood with his back to the camera, leaning stooped against a gate lintel, and on the finger of the hand that held the post there was a ring she recognized.
13.The question is further complicated by a comment in The Urantia Book that Jesus, speaking in the Capernaum synagogue, referred to grape clusters and a pot of manna carved on a lintel of the new synagogue to illustrate a point in his sermon.