14.In 1832, he achieved membership on the House Ways and Means Committee, where he loyally supported Jackson's opposition to the Bank of the United States.
1832年, 他成为众议院筹款委员会的成员, 在那里他忠诚地支持杰克逊反对美国银行。机翻
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The People Profiles
15.It was also an unusual move, as Shakespeare's decision to stick loyally to just one theatre organization for many years was very unconventional for the time.
16.Not, Scarlett loyally hastened to tell herself, that she would prefer a mother like Mrs. Tarleton to Ellen, but still it would be fun to romp with a mother.
17.To prepare for strikes and periods of unemployment, it raised large funds by imposing heavy dues and created a benefit system to hold men loyally to the union.
18.Well, they had served death long and loyally, she and Josephine. There was a time when as a special treat, Oriate would take out her funeral book and named the crosses.
20.They stuck loyally to the little Presbyterian Church, and labored faithfully in its interests and stood by its high and tough doctrines with all their mental and spiritual energies.