15.Immunotherapy with either antithymocyte globulin (ATG) or antilymphocyte globulin (ALG) is the primary treatment for those children not candidates for bone marrow transplant.
16.Bone marrow stem cells are multipotential and capable of transdifferentiation to myocardium and regeneration myocardium by bone marrow stem cell transplantartion is investigated worldwide.
17.Objective: To investigate the effect of intramyocardial bone marrow cell injection on myocardial perfusion and LV function in patients with chronic myocardial ischemia.
18.The mutation potential of ethephon was by investigated the micronucleus test of bone marrow polychromatophilic erythroblasts (PCE) cells and sperm shape abnormality test in mice.
19.This is the appearance of normal bone marrow smear at high magnification. Note the presence of an eosinophilic myelocyte, a basophilic myelocyte, and a plasma cell.
20.Blood production —The marrow, located within the medullary cavity of long bones and the interstices of cancellous bone, produces blood cells in a process called haematopoiesis.