1.I love Victorian melodramas.
2.Griffith then filmed the first movie ever shot in Hollywood, In Old California, a Biograph melodrama about California in the 1800s, while it belonged to Mexico.
1.Come on, there’s no need for all this melodrama.
2.We're staying in America for another episode, exploring race melodrama, abolitionist drama, and minstrelsy.
下一集我们还会继续讲美国 会讲到种族音乐剧、废奴剧和吟游技艺。
3.Melodrama was big everywhere. But only America decided to link melodrama and the minstrel show.
音乐剧在各地都很流行 但是只有美国把音乐剧和“黑脸秀”表演结合起到了一起。
4.Imagine the emotional pitch of a Victorian melodrama, add music, and you have the general idea.
5.Unlike melodrama, they usually had sad or tragic endings.
和音乐剧不同是 它们结局通常是悲伤或者说是悲剧。
6.Grand Guignol antecedent is melodrama with its anti-literary visually forward focus on sensation and surprise.
“恐怖剧”祖先是音乐剧 其反文学视觉前沿专注于感觉和惊喜。
7.It was a very necessary corrective to all of those decades of melodramas minstrel and blackface.
8.But also, is it melodrama supposed to end happily?
还有 这部音乐剧结局是好吗?
9.Critics who'd dismissed their efforts as heavy and weary melodrama were silenced.
那些曾将他们努力贬低为沉重且疲惫剧批评家们, 此刻也哑口无言。机翻
10.That melodrama may be dismissed as rubbish.
11.There were showboats that put on shows and melodramas before movies.
在电影放映之前, 有放映船上演表演和剧。机翻
12.The effect is a parody of the villain in an old-fashioned melodrama.
13.And here he walks a tricky tonal line between melodrama, realism and camp.
14.I'm tired of this melodrama, I'm tired of keeping silent.
我厌倦了这种剧, 我厌倦了保持沉默。机翻
15.This is supposed to be the story about star-crossed lovers, not a trashy melodrama.
16.Rather early seventeenth century theatre saw satiric comedies, tragicomedies, and a kind of melodrama.
17 世纪早期, 戏剧出现了讽刺喜剧、悲喜剧和一种剧。机翻
17.Surbeck, who is currently at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, got DNA samples from the players in this melodrama.
18.What they want is melodrama. It's not highbrow.
而音乐剧正好满足了他们 所以音乐剧不是给知识分子看。
19.The easiest way to make these institutions the villains of a melodrama was to make The Maid its heroine.
20.Sometimes that good time includes dogs. That's right. There is a whole sub-genre of dog melodrama.
有时候这种美好时光也包括狗狗在内 没错 音乐剧有一整个分支是用来讲狗。