3.The machine can finish the moulding and processing of heteromorphosis iron craftwork with good consistency, and can process parts in batches and high efficiency.
4.In the compression moulding technology, preheat and prepressing procedures are added to improve the flowability of the bond and physical and mechanical properties of the product.
5.This paper compares the performance levels of selected GMS materials as antistat and mould release agents in homopolymer and random and impact copolymer PP injection moulding applications.
6.The result shows that as long as the easing is determined, the armhole hypothenuse increment may be obtained and the twopiece sleeve drafting completed compatibly with the fabric and moulding.
17.It was the exhibition of parasols. Wide-open and rounded like shields, they covered the whole hall, from the glazed roofing to the varnished oak mouldings below.
20.These eyes were blue; blue as autumn distance—blue as the blue we see between the retreating mouldings of hills and woody slopes on a sunny September morning.