5.In any navigation channel, the following activities are prohibited: abandoning sunken vessels, laying fishing implements impedimental to navigation, and cultivating aquatic plants.
6.Aiming at the characteristics of RLG strapdown inertial navigation system,the performances of Kalman filter,analytic gyrocompassing and indirect estimation are analyzed in theory.
7.Even if Wolfram Alpha has accelerated the closure of Yahoo 360 and blogging has eroded GeoCities, search remains a primary compass for navigation on the Web.
8.No general rules exist for the length of basins. Someone says that"the length of a basin should not exceed 2,000 meters, elsewise transportation and navigation is impeded".
9.For example, Digital's Lectrice file format included a pre-rendered bitmap representation of each page to allow for quick page turns, a prerequisite for the thumbing navigation metaphor.
10.Construction of a new pier after removal of the existing pier including dredging, provision of handrails, a navigation light, bollards and fendering systems together with transplantation of coral.
11.Scheme is proposed of using a computer on sline and digital fil-tering technique to perform digital filtering and lane identification of the phase signals of a port radio navigation system .