1.Earth with her nether Ocean circumfused.
1.And yet, what's the point of having such decorative nether regions?
但是为什么需要这些看上去 很像装饰品的器官呢?
2.You might not like it as much if you knew what " nether eye" meant.
你要是知道那指什么 可能就不会很喜欢了。
3.And then, finally, we have Neptune, the guardian of the solar system's nether regions.
4.I was about to meet my hero, and I was experiencing this bizarre pain in... in my... nether region.
我马上就要见到我的英雄,可我那个地方却莫名疼得要死… … 就是,面那个地方。
5.A premonitory moistening at the same time overflowed his nether lip.
6.Adrenna and I fell constantly between the upper and the nether millstone.
7.Your nether wart farm needs to be somewhere you frequent, probably close to your house.
你的界疣农场需要在你经常光顾的地方, 可能离你家很近。机翻
8.Like going to the nether was just an everyday activity, not crossing over into a lava-plagued underworld.
9.I am the Columbus of this nether world, and I only ask for one more day.
我是地狱的哥伦布, 我只要求多一天。机翻
10.He still wore knee-breeches, and dark cotton stockings on his nether limbs; but they were not the breeches.
11.Elfride had dropped the glass; it rolled to the edge and vanished over it into a nether sky.
埃尔德掉了杯子; 它滚到边缘, 消失在界的天空中。机翻
12.It rolled over, out of sight, and away into the same nether sky that had engulfed the telescope.
它翻了个身, 看不见了,掉进了吞没了望远镜的同一个层天空。机翻
13.Then she pulled her hand back and stuffed the nether wart into her pack without looking.
然后她收回手, 看也不看,将地狱疣塞进了自己的包。机翻
14.Before going up the stairs, she peeked under the porch at the nether wart growing quietly in the dark.
上楼前,她偷偷看了一眼玄关, 黑暗中悄悄生长的幽冥疣。机翻
15.Instead, she tossed some nether wart into the stand and waited for it to bubble up nicely.
取而代之的是, 她往台子扔了一些地狱疣, 等着它冒泡。机翻
16." There was a catch. You needed a nether star to get it, " Aunt Meryl said.
17.Maybe the nether wart had gone bad.
18.I had soul sand from my nether wart farm and traded some other valuables for the wither skulls.
我从我的界疣农场得到了灵魂沙, 并用其他一些贵重物品换了凋灵头骨。机翻
19.Before we knew it, that overpowered mob was knocked out of existence, leaving only the nether star behind.
在我们知道之前, 那个强大的暴徒被击倒了不复存在,只留界之星。机翻
20.When he went to Harvard, the Comstock dropped out of his name to a nether hell of oblivion and was never heard of thereafter.