She saw the white paling about half a mile off; but he did not appear.
I don't get it. Why would you want to start paling around with this tramp?
She went forward to the palings and leant over them, looking at the moon.
They soon reached a small hut, near which, enclosed within some high palings, was the animal in question.
He turned on one side, and they followed a paling.
他转向一侧, 他们跟着一道。
He stood leaning over the palings in an indecisive mood for nearly a quarter of an hour.
Thomasin came down when the apples were collected, and together they went through the white palings to the heath beyond.
" And I am taking part in it, " said Ignatius Nikiforovitch, paling.
To look at the palings before the Yeobrights' house had the dignity of a necessary performance.
Then he carefully replaced the wooden paling and, taking Susie's arm began to walk rapidly towards their inn.
然后他小心翼翼地放好木, 挽着苏茜的胳膊, 快步朝他们的客栈走去。
" Our property does not reach an inch further than the white palings."
I could not set it right, and its light was paling and would soon disappear altogether.
我无法将它调整好, 它的光芒变得苍白, 很快就会完全消失。
But the beautiful night, the garden, every bush, every leaf, even the white palings, even the stars, were conspirators too.
但是美丽的夜晚, 花园,每一株灌木, 每一片叶子, 甚至白色的, 甚至星星,也是阴谋家。
He had reached the white palings and laid his hand upon the gate when the door of the house opened, and quickly closed again.
The enterprising lady followed the mumming company through the gate in the white paling, and stood before the open porch.
There ahead was stretched the sandy road with shallow puddles; the same soaking bushes showed on either side and the same shadowy palings.
前面是铺着浅水坑的沙路。 两边都是同样湿漉漉的灌木丛, 同样是阴暗的。
Soon I was looking wistfully for his return, and at length I saw him beckoning me from the palings to the right.
很快我就满怀渴望地期待着他回来, 最后我看到他在右边的上向我招手。
The palings of Rosings Park was their boundary on one side. Elizabeth smiled at the recollection of all that she had heard of its inhabitants.
Beyond the irregular carpet of grass was a row of white palings, which marked the verge of the heath in this latitude.
Evening drew on, and sounds of life and movement in the lower part of the domicile became more pronounced, the gate in the palings clicking incessantly.