| 划词

The urine xanthopterin levels were determined in 29 healthy men(normal group),11 patients and 34 patients with cancer by fluorescence combined with paper chromatography.




Alcatel, alcatras, Alcatraz, alcatron, alcayde, alcazar, ALCC, Alcedinidae, alcelaphine, Alcestis, alchemic, alchemical, alchemically, alchemist, alchemistic, alchemistical, alchemistically, alchemize, alchemy, alcheringa, alchlor, Alchrome, Alchrotal, ALCI, Alcibiades, Alcidae, alcides, alcidine, Alcinous, Alciopidae, alclad, alclofenac, alclometasone, ALCM, Alcmaeon, Alcmene, ALCO, Alcoa, alcogas, alcogel, alcohol, alcohol abuse, alcohol group, alcoholaemia, alcoholase, alcoholate, alcoholature, alcoholemia, alcohol-free, alcoholic, alcoholic beverage, alcoholicity, Alcoholics Anonymous, alcoholimeter, alcoholimetry, alcoholism, alcoholist, alcoholization, alcoholize, alcoholmetry, alcoholomania, alcoholometer, alcoholometry, alcoholophilia, alcoholotherapy, alcohols, alcohol-solresin, alcoholuria, alcoholysis, ALCOM, Alcomax, alcomeal, alcometer, alcopop, Alcor, Alcoran, alcoranist, alcosol, alcotate, alcotex, Alcott, alcove, alcoxide, alcoxides, Alcres, Alcress, Alcuin, alcula, Alcumite, Alcunic, alcyl, Alcyonacea, Alcyonaria, alcyonarian, Alcyone, alcyonne, ALD, Alda, aldactone, Aldal, aldalcoketose, aldamine, Aldan, aldanite, aldarsone, aldary, aldasorber, aldazine, Aldebaran, Aldecor, aldehydase, aldehyde, aldehyde alcohol, aldehyde group, aldehyde-ester, aldehydene, aldehydrol, Alden, alder, alderfly, alderman, aldermanic, aldermanry, aldermanship, Aldermaston, aldermen, Alderney, Aldershot, alderwoman, aldgamycin E, aldicarb, aldimine, aldimines, aldin, Aldine, Aldington, Aldip, Aldis, alditol, Aldm., Aldo, aldocellulose, aldocorticosteronism, aldoform, aldofuranoside, aldoheptose, aldohexose, aldoketenes, aldoketomutase, aldol, aldolactol, aldolase, aldolize, aldomet, aldoniolactone, aldopentose, aldophosphamide, aldorfit, aldose, aldoses, aldoside, aldosterone, aldosterones, aldosteronism, aldosteronogenesis, aldosteronoma, aldosteronopenia, aldosteronuria, aldotetrose, aldotriose, Aldous, aldoxime, aldoximes, ALDP, Aldray, Aldrex, Aldrey, Aldrich, Aldridge, Aldriehine, aldrin, Aldrosol, Aldur, aldural, Aldurbra, Aldurol, ale, aleak, aleatoric, aleatorism, aleatory, alec, alecithal, alecithic, aleck, aleconner, alecost, Alecto, Alectoromorphae, alee, alegar, Alegria, alehouse, Aleichem, Aleixandre, Aleksandropol, Aleksandrovsk, Alemanni, Alemannic, Alembert, alembic, alembicated, alembication, alembroth, alemmal, Alencon, Alenconnes, alendronate, alenestrol, ALEP, aleph, aleph-naught, alephnull, alephzero, alepidote, Alepocephaloidei, Aleppo, Aleppo boil, alerce, alerdex, alert, alerter, alert-headed, alerting, alertly, alertness, Alerton, alertor, alerts, alesan, Alessandria, alete, Alethea, alethia, alethopterid, alethopterids, aletocyte, aletophyte, aleucemia, aleucia, aleucocytosis, aleudrin, aleukemia, aleukemic, aleukemoid, aleukocytic, aleukocytosis, aleuriospore, aleurispore, aleurite, aleurometer, aleuron, aleuronat, aleurone, aleuronic, aleuronoid, aleuroplast, aleuroscope, Aleurtes, Aleut, Aleutian, Aleutian Islands, aleutite, A-level, alevin, alewife, Alex, Alex Haley, Alexa, Alexander, Alexander Archipelago, Alexander Bell, Alexander Graham Bell, Alexander Pope, Alexander the Great, Alexanderson, Alexandra, Alexandre Dumas, Alexandretta, Alexandria,


3G, 401(K), a,



Runge is also notable for having been the first to isolate quinine and also for the invention of paper chromatography.




alienate, alienated, alienation, alienation of affection, alienative, alienator, alienee, alienia, alienicola, alienism,


3G, 401(K), a,
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