| 划词

1.The parametric modeling method for loxodrome normal circular-arc spiral bevel gear was presented.




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1.And another would be trying to better analyse the risk presented now in that first bucket of parametric insurance.


「金融时报 」评价该例句:好评差评指正
Bayesian Statistics

2.This is the typical parametric base setup.


「Bayesian Statistics」评价该例句:好评差评指正

3.Let's say we describe the very first shape,   this square, as a parametric function.


Linear Algebra Unit 1: Vectors and spaces

4.And just like that, we have three parametric equations.

就这样, 我们有了三个参数方程。机翻

「Linear Algebra Unit 1: Vectors and spaces」评价该例句:好评差评指正

5.Maybe you've heard of parametric design in architecture, the free-flowing futuristic style influenced heavily by computer algorithms.


ICH Gulidline

6.To evaluate and justify the use of process analytical technologies (PAT) in conjunction with parametric and real time release.


「ICH Gulidline」评价该例句:好评差评指正
Linear Algebra Unit 1: Vectors and spaces

7.You don't have to have a parametric equation.


「Linear Algebra Unit 1: Vectors and spaces」评价该例句:好评差评指正
Linear Algebra Unit 1: Vectors and spaces

8.So if you watch the videos on parametric equations, this is just a traditional parametric definition of this line right there.


「Linear Algebra Unit 1: Vectors and spaces」评价该例句:好评差评指正
Linear Algebra Unit 1: Vectors and spaces

9.But when you're dealing in R3, the only way to define a line is to have a parametric equation.

但是 R3 中处理时,定义条线的唯方法是有参数方程。机翻

「Linear Algebra Unit 1: Vectors and spaces」评价该例句:好评差评指正
Linear Algebra Unit 1: Vectors and spaces

10.Or if I shoot a bullet in three dimensions and it goes in a straight line, it has to be a parametric equation.

或者, 如果我三维空间中射击颗子弹,并且它沿直线方向飞行, 则它必须是参数方程。机翻

「Linear Algebra Unit 1: Vectors and spaces」评价该例句:好评差评指正
Linear Algebra Unit 1: Vectors and spaces

11.And when we did it in R2, I did a parametric equation, but we learned in Algebra 1, you can just have a regular y in terms x.

我们 R2 中做这个时, 我做了参数方程,但我们代数 1 中学到,可以只用 x 项有个正则的 y。机翻

「Linear Algebra Unit 1: Vectors and spaces」评价该例句:好评差评指正

12.The results show that the proposed method can effectively reconstruct the 3-D parametric image of the bladder, where the structure similarities of reconstructed images against the bladder phantoms are above 0.81.

结果表明, 所提出的方法可以有效地重建膀胱的三维参数图像, 其中重建图像与膀胱幻象的结构相似性高于0.81。

ICH Gulidline

13.To identify risks which should be communicated between inspectors and assessors to facilitate better understanding of how risks can be or are controlled (e. g. , parametric release, Process Analytical Technology (PAT)).

识别检查员和评估员之间应沟通的风险, 以促进更好地了解如何控制风险(例如,参数放行、过程分析技术 (PAT))。机翻

「ICH Gulidline」评价该例句:好评差评指正
Linear Algebra Unit 1: Vectors and spaces

14.The only way to define a line or a curve in three dimensions, if I wanted to describe the path of a fly in three dimensions, it has to be a parametric equation.


「Linear Algebra Unit 1: Vectors and spaces」评价该例句:好评差评指正
Linear Algebra Unit 1: Vectors and spaces

15.The vector P1 plus some random parameter, t, this t could be time, like you learn when you first learn parametric equations, times the difference of the two vectors, times P1, and it doesn't matter what order you take it.

向量 P1 加上些随机参数 t, 这个 t 可以是时间,就像次学习参数方程时学到的那样,乘以两个向量的差,乘以 P1, 取什么顺序并不重要。机翻

「Linear Algebra Unit 1: Vectors and spaces」评价该例句:好评差评指正
Linear Algebra Unit 1: Vectors and spaces

16.If we wanted to write it in kind of a parametric form, we can say, since this is what determines our x-coordinate, we would say that x is equal to 0 plus t times minus 2, or minus 2 times t.

如果我们想用参数形式写它,我们可以说,既然这是决定我们的 x 坐标的东西,我们就会说 x 等于 0 加 t 乘以减 2,或减 2 乘以 t。机翻

「Linear Algebra Unit 1: Vectors and spaces」评价该例句:好评差评指正


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