8.Objective To understand the carriable condition and categories of enteric pathogenic Salmonella and Shigella in high school students in the disease prevalent seasons.
9.Signal transmission can be quenched by inhibition of N-acyl-homoserine-lactone, leading to breaking the initial of pathogenic genes transcription and the expression of virulence.
10.The test group (31 cases) had been treated by hormone added recipe for resolving turbid pathogenic factor and reinforcing kidney, the control group (26 cases), by hormone added hexanicit.
17.These changes may increase pathogenic organisms or their activity causing a series of oral infectious diseases such as dental caries or periodontal diseases.
18.We are justified in postulating these goals because they follow logically from a knowledge of the pathogenic factors in neurosis.
我们有理由设定这些目标, 因为它们合乎逻辑地源自对神经症病因素的了解。机翻
「Our Inner Conflicts(Linden West Honey, Karen)」评价该例句:好评差评指正
科学60秒-科学美国人 20252月合
19.U.S. officials recently informed the World Organization for Animal Health about the first reported appearance of highly pathogenic H5N9 bird flu in U.S. poultry.