9.COMPOSITION: It is complex petroleum derivative products mixture, Mixed with Fatty group, cyclanes, carbon combined with chloride products organic solvent.
11.Different solvent extractions of Spora Lygodii were obtained using methanol,chloroform and petroleum ether as medium.Experiments were carried out on them by FT-IR spectra.
13.The result indicates that the main metabolic product of petroleum hydrocarbon degradation is acetic acid and surface active agent of glycolipid composed of fatty acid and rhamnose.
14.Hong Kong RAVERA a Kalong Te Hong Kong is a Booker in 1952 for transportation of crude oil, petroleum products, liquefied natural gas and chemicals and construction.
15.The application of surfactant in microbial degradation of petroleum pollution in recent years is introduced in this paper and the factors of choosing the eptitude surfactant are also disc.
16.Through the research on petroleum and nature gas, design a multi-source heatpump of single and double effect lithium bromide, the two stage heatpump unit, process of nature gas liquefaction etc.