4.Methods A combination of euglobulin precipitation, ion-exchange chromatography,(NH4)2SO4 precipitation and affinity chromatography was used in the process of purification.
13.An investigation is also made on determining DMDAAC qualitatively by bromophenol blue test and quantitatively by tetraphenyl boron sodium precipitation reac...
14.Phytostabilization: Immobilization of a contaminant through absorption and accumulation by roots, adsorption onto roots, or precipitation within the root zone of plants.
16.Crude extracts were extracted from Sophra japonica L.with 75 % alcohol.Rutin was obtained from the crude extracts by alkine extraction and acid precipitation.
17.The wavy distribution curve of precipitation formed on the longitudinal-arranged underlying rangegorge landforms.At leeside of range, dry valley formed due to fohn effect.
19.It is found that dry intrusion maintained during the precipitation periods.The intensity of precipitation increased with the increasing dry intrusion, which pushed the rainy region southeastwards.
20.Minish the well space and increase transflux routeways upper backwater and driving, especially setup precipitation well and drain residual water at the bottom of diving layer.