10.Studies were made on the vegetative propagation coefficient and cormel's biological characters using eighth-excision in different development phase of Lycoris radiate.
11.An onionskin-likestructure of concentric dust shells surround a central, aging star.Twin beams of light radiate from the star and illuminate the usuallyinvisible dust.
12.Whitish bands composed of medullated nerve fibres radiating out from the optic disc are of no pathological significance and must not be confused with papilloedema.
13.The function of analgesia of the Oral Rehydration of Ophidic Distille is tested by the method of twisting the mouse, radiating the mouse, trigeminus electronic of rats.
14.They display a different pattern of flame structure to an experienced eye, which consists of concentric radiating flames and parallel banded layers displaying a distinct “pseudo-chatoyancy” effect.