Large families were crammed into tiny, ramshackle houses with no running water.
In fact his father and grandfather, respectively Vince McMahon senior and Jess McMahon, were wrestling promoters in the sport's early ramshackle days, when it comprised a set of regional fiefdoms that did not compete with each other.
事实,他的父亲和祖父, 分别是 Vince McMahon senior 和 Jess McMahon,在这项运动早期欲坠的日子里是摔跤运动的发起人,当由一系列相互不竞争的区域领地组成。
Our mission this morning is to take a photo of the three-wheeled contraption parked alongside a Ferrari or Lamborghini – which causes a mini traffic jam, much horn beeping and bewilderment as to why a ramshackle tuk-tuk is cluttering up the street.