Property of cuprammonium rayon was introduced.Three passages drawing was done,and this processing plan was adopted when spinning cuprammonium rayon cotton blended knitting yarn.
Scientific breakthroughs also pushed the country forward, creating new fertilizers, dyes, along with the production of versatile and cheap materials, such as Bakelite and rayon.
It was 'parler du soleil et l'on en voit les rayons;' and the brightness of the sun came over Margaret's face as she put down her board, and went forward to shake hands with him. '
这是'parler du soleil et l'on voit les rayons; '玛格丽特下木板, 阳光照在她的脸上, 走上前去与他握手。
The bedroom was done over. His entirely now. Before it had been tacky and flossy and drab. There were always stockings and pink rayon knickers with holes in them hung on a string across the room to dry.