9.Taking the example of the homoaromaticity of cyclooctriene cation and imidazole and oxazole basicity,the essay discusses the application of resonance theory.
10.Effects of molecules adsorbed on silver nanoparticles assembled in two-dimensional submonolayer on surface plasmon resonance (SPR) of the metal nanoparticles were investigated.
11.They are used in TV, telecamera,audio andvisual recorder,microprocessor and other electronic equipment for resonance ,osilating coupling, delay, filter, trap, choke and etc.
12.Resonance light scattering (RLS) is a new method for determination and study on large biological molecular, and can be measured with comment spectro-flourometer.
14.The data calculated by the use of resonance energy and tension energy show that the unstability of cyclobutadiene and cyclooctatetraene are not contradictory with resonance theory.
15.But inside, a hard-traveling team of art conservators packs an arsenal of high tech gear: an atomic-force microscope, a micro-Raman spectroscope, a nuclear magnetic resonance relaxometer.
16.Monomotor bogies , where both axles of the bogie are driven by a single motor , often encounter torsional resonances, which lead to periodic longitudinal slip.
17.Nuclear magnetic resonance techniques are used to determine the national aleutric acid preferential conformation. The results show that the dithionic hydroxyl radicals are in reciprocal cross bearing.
18.According to the results of the temperature dependencies of the intensity, linewidth and resonance field, we conclude that the peak at T(subscript M2) is a transition of antiferromagnetism.