1.FIRST SERVANT. Say thou wilt course; thy greyhounds are as swift As breathed stags; ay, fleeter than the roe.
2.He liked thick giblet soup, nutty gizzards, a stuffed roast heart, liver slices fried with crustcrumbs, fried hencod's roes.
1.It's Smorgaskaviar, which is cod roe.
是 Smorgaskaviar,也就是鳕鱼。
2.We've used ants to grasshoppers to kimchi, and we've even used salmon roe in one of our cocktails.
3.A wasabi and soft roe puree. Some muscle, some salmon and some baby octopus.
4.His last meal included a large helping of dried wild ibex, roe deer, and grains.
他最后的餐食包括大份的 野山羊、肉干和谷物。
5.The test can differentiate roe of those two species from that of eight other species of sturgeon.
6.The mayo slices or sheets come in two flavours – spicy cod roe mentaiko in Japanese and tuna.
7.Some years ago, in Tuscany, Italy, a roe deer with only one horn in the middle of its forehead appeared.
8.One day he sent out a huntsman to shoot him a roe, but he did not come back.
一天,他派出一名猎人去射他一只鹿, 但他没有回来。机翻
9.It was a young roe deer and very emaciated.
那是一头年轻的鹿, 非常瘦弱。机翻
10.Well, now, you're in a post-Roe environment where you have to govern.
11." Caviar bumps" —which involve slurping roe off your hand—have become a social-media trend.
12.Diapause exists among other vertebrates, such as roe deer, bears, and even lab mice.
13.Was it okay to use the term Abba because this company owned the fish canning company or the fish roe.
14.Yep, so basically the cod's roe are aged for two years in barrels with sugar and salt in a brine essentially.
15.The red deer had come down from the mountains to join the roe deer.
16.So actually not dissimilar to something like a taramasalata, however, this is aged and smoked cod roe that's then emulsified with oil essentially.
17.Mormont spread some fish roe across a slice of flatbread and took a bite. " Are you expecting someone" ?
莫尔蒙把鱼涂到面包上,咬了一口," 你在等人?"
18.I found three more frozen roe deer and a red deer calf, and who knows how many I didn't find.
19.They would take strips of pink salmon, and mold white pipe roe along the edges to make it look like bacon.
他们会取一条粉红色的鲑鱼,并沿着边缘塑造白色的鱼酱, 使其看起来像培根。机翻
20.Representative Crane describes them as still stuck in what he calls a pre-Roe mindset, where everything is still black and white.