He gave Hermione a sanctimonious little nod.
他装出庄重样子朝赫敏轻轻点了点头。She looked rather taken aback by this thoughtfulness.赫敏听了这些想法,显得相当吃惊。
The polls aren't great, Paul Ryan is getting sanctimonious about the Second Amendment, and there's some Salon hot take going around, WOULD ELLEN CLAREMONT HAVE GOTTEN ELECTED IF SHE WEREN'T CONVENTIONALLY BEAUTIFUL?
民意调查结果不太好, 保罗·瑞安 (Paul Ryan) 对第二修正案变得道貌岸然,沙龙上也有一些热门话题,如果艾伦·克莱蒙特 (Ellen Claremont) 不是传统意义上美女, 她会当选吗?