| 划词

1.Sanderlings, ruddy turnstones, semipalmated sandpipers, dunlins and more than half the world's population of red knots are among the species that double their weight eating the nutritious eggs.




amygdalthrypsis, amygdophenin, amygdule, amyl, amyl alcohol, amyl nitrate, amylaceous, amylamine, amylan, amylase,


3G, 401(K), a,



1.But they're indistinguishable from the tracks of a modern sandpiper or a plover on a lake shore.


WWE Level 1 文

2.The girl sees one sandpiper running along the shore.

生: 女孩看到一只沙雀在岸边奔跑。机翻

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WWE Level 1 文

3.While she is running, she watches a sandpiper--a small shorebird--run along with her.

当她奔跑时, 她看到一只沙鸟 - - 一只小型的海岸鸟 - - 与她一起奔跑。机翻

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4.The sandpiper case, it's getting too big for HHM.

风笛的情况, 对于HHM来说, 它变得太大了。机翻


5.All day the curlews and killdeers and sandpipers chirped and sang in the creek bottoms.


WWE Level 1 文

6.As she thinks about the coming storm, what does the child wonder about the sandpiper?

当她想到即将到来的风暴时, 孩子对沙鸟有什麽疑问?机翻

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WWE Level 1 文

7.She does not fear for the sandpiper because both the child and the sandpiper are cared for by God.

生: 她不怕沙雀, 因为孩子和沙雀都受到上帝的照顾。机翻

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WWE Level 1 文

8.Instructor: Can you remember how many sandpipers are running along the shore with the girl?

教师: 你还记得有多少只沙雀和女孩一起在岸边奔跑吗?机翻

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9.Next came a sandpiper and gazed at me with much the same guileless expression of eye as the Ouzel.

接下来是一只, 它用与欧泽尔一样朴实无华的眼神注视着我。机翻

WWE Level 1 文

10.Instructor: In the end, the child says she does not fear for the sandpiper. Can you remember why?

导师: 最後, 孩子说她不怕沙雀, 你记得为什麽吗?机翻

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60秒 听力 2014年7月合集

11.The researchers think that long-distance fliers such as the American golden-plover and the white-rumped sandpiper picked up the spores while lining their nests.


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12.And she'd want you to have compassion for others, like a cat can have for a sandpiper But what if they don't like me?

她还会希望你对人有同情心 就像猫对那样如果同们不喜欢我呢?


13.Researchers think that long-distance fliers such as the American golden-plover and the white-rumped sandpiper picked up the spores while lining their nests.

研究人员认为, 像美国金鸻和白腰沙雉这样的长距离迁徙鸟类在筑巢时可能携带着孢子。机翻


14.By early October, tensions were rising. Many of  the crew thought they had overshot Japan, probably spurred on by the constant sightings of sandpipers  that must have come from nearby islands.

到 10 月初, 紧张局势加剧。 许多船员认为他们已经超越了日本,这可能是由于不断看到来自附近岛屿的鹬。机翻

【听力】托福 TPO Listening

15.Now what's the purple sandpiper does is when a predator approaches, it drags its wings but not to give the impression that its wing is broken but to create the illusion that it has a second pair of legs.

现在紫色沙雀所做的是, 当掠食者接近时, 它拖着翅膀, 不会给人留下翅膀折断的印象, 而是营造出它有第二双腿的错觉。机翻

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