9.Sacer Contactless Throttle Position Sensor, an own brand high quality TPS sensor, is designed and produced with advanced European technology by Sacer Ltd.
10.The nonlinearity of moment-angle relationship of the beams in a kind of micromachine vibratory angular rate sensor is derived by using energy method.
11.The applications of the phthalocyanines in photodynamics therapy, light bleacher, catalysts, disc, nonliner optical proper-ity, electroluminace, gas sensor, electrochromic was reported in detail.
13.Approximately thirteen seconds before impact, the Copperhead's laser light sensor becomes active, and it uses fins to guide itself to the laser light source.
14.Fireresistant Hall device and SmCo rotor is used to design position and speed sensor, and the corresponding doubling circuit and decoding circuit is designed.
15.The intensity modulation method is the oldest and simplest method for fiber-optic sensor, in which a homochromatic laser is used as system light source.
16.On the aspect of hardware,advanced digital temperature sensor is used to detect Temperature,and monobus technology is introduced into circuit structure and make it substantially simplified.
18.The weighing platform is provided with a pressure sensor , and the machine core comprises a preamplification, an analog-to-digital conversion and a central controller 4.
19.The TD series electric which is made of straining sensor and microkit has the funcion of wiping offtare,addingup weight,giving an alarm of hitch amd calculating.
20.A new kind of ferromagnetic collector type fiber-optic current sensor which combines a nubbly magneto-optic material with a ferromagnetic concentrator ring is designed in this paper.