14.Ove's first instinct is to run after them and tear that German sheet-metal monster, inclusive of imbeciles, weeds, growling mutts, and wave-shaped headlights, to smithereens.
15.One, large for his age, made smithereens out of the flowerpots and china because his hands seemed to have the property of breaking everything they touched.
17.Your digestive system reduces food to that level in two main ways: by physically smashing it to smithereens, and by bathing them, as much as it can, in enzymes.
The Common Reader Volume 1 26 Essays on Jane Austen, George Eliot, Conrad, Montaigne and Others
18.It runs faster and faster; suddenly a youth jumps out from within; next moment it leaps over the edge of a chalk pit and is dashed to smithereens.
「The Common Reader Volume 1 26 Essays on Jane Austen, George Eliot, Conrad, Montaigne and Others」评价该例句:好评差评指正
CNN 10 学生英语 2017年8月合集
19.The idea being, if an earthquake causes the building to shift from left to right, the rod stretch and pull it back in the opposite direction, preventing the building from shaking itself to smithereens.
20.He has always played with the toys, but even as a child took good care of them and put them on display " unlike the other kids, who would tear up their toys into smithereens" .