| 划词

This was bolstered by the fact that most other countries included the snowcap when measuring their peaks.

大多国家/地区在测量峰值时都包括了雪盖, 这一事支持了这一点。


The disagreement over the difference in the height of a little of three metres stemmed from a single question — whether to include the mountain's snowcap or limit its height to the rock base.




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cruise ship, cruiser, cruisers, cruiserweight, cruises, cruiseway, cruising, cruller, crum, crumb, crumbcloth, crumber, crumble, crumbler, crumbles, crumbliness, crumbling, crumblings, crumbly, crumbs, crumby, crumena, crumhorn, crummie, crummy, crump, crumpet, crumple, crumpled, crumplely, Crumpler, crumply, crunch, crunches, crunchiness, crunchy, crunkle, crunodal, crunode, cruor, crupper, crura, crural, cruralium, crus, crusade, crusader, Crusades, crusado, cruse, crush, crush on, crush out, crushability, crushable, crushbarrier, crushdown, crushed, crusher, crushers, crushhat, crushing, crushmark, crushproof, crush-room, Crusoe, crust, crusta, Crustacea, crustacean, crustaceology, crustaceous, crustae, crustal, crustal movement, crustal plate, crustate, crustation, crust-derived, crustecdysone, crusted, crustification, crustiform, crustily, crustiness, crusting, crustless, crustose, crustquake, crusty, crut, crutch, crutched, crutcher, crutches, crutching, crux, cruzado, Cruzan, cruzeiro, CRV, crwth, cry, cry out, cry out for, cryalgesia, cryanesthesia, crybaby, cryctocoenose, cryer, crying, cryingneed, crymic, crymium, crymoanesthesia, crymodynia, crymophilia, crymotherapy, cryo-, cryoablation, cryoaerotherapy, cryoagglutinin, cryobiochemistry, cryobiologist, cryobiology, cryocable, cryocables, cryochem, cryochemical, cryochemistry, cryoclinometer, cryocoagulation, cryoconcentration, cryocondensation, cryoconite, cryocrit, cryodamage, cryodesiccation, cryodose, cryodrying, cryoelectronics, cryoextraction, cryoextractor, cryofibrinogen, cryofibrinogenemia, cryofixation, cryoforming, cryo-forming, cryogammaglobulin, cryogen, cryogenerator, cryogenic, cryogenics, cryogenicsurface, cryogenin, cryogenine, cryogeny, cryoglobulin, cryoglobulinemia, cryohemostasis, cryohydrate, cryolaccolith, cryolesion, cryolite, cryolith, cryolithionite, cryology, cryoluminescence, cryolysis, cryomagnetic, cryometer, cryometry, cryomicroscope, cryomite, cryomycin, cryoneny, cryonetics, cryonics, cryo-ophthalmology, cryopanel, cryopathy, cryopedology, cryopedometer, cryophil, cryophile, cryophilic, cryophilous, cryophorus, cryophylactic, cryophyllite, cryophysics, cryophysiology, cryophyte, cryoplankton, cryoplate, cryoprecipitability, cryoprecipitate, cryoprecipitation, cryopreservation, cryoprobe, cryoprotectant, cryoprotective, cryoprotector, cryoprotein, cryopump, cryopumping, cryoresistive, cryoretinopexy, cryosar, cryoscope, cryoscopic, cryoscopictitration, cryoscopy, cryosel, cryosistor, cryosixtor, cryosorption, cryosphere, cryostat, cryosurgeon, cryosurgery, cryothalamectomy, cryotherapy, cryotomy, cryotrap, cryotrapping, cryotron, cryotronics, cryotropism, cryoturbation, cryoultramicrotome, cryoultramicrotomy, Cryphaeaceae, crypsis, crypt, cryptaesthesia, cryptal, cryptamnesia, cryptanalysis, cryptanalyst, cryptanalyze, cryptanamnesia, cryptand, cryptate, cryptaustoline, cryptesthesia, cryptic, cryptical, cryptitis, crypto, crypto-, cryptoanalysis, cryptobiasis, Cryptobiidae, cryptobiosis, cryptobiote, cryptobiotic, cryptoblast, cryptobranchiate, cryptocarp, cryptocarpine, cryptocaryoniosis, cryptocavine, cryptocenter, Cryptocerata, Cryptochaetidae, cryptochannel, cryptochimera, cryptoclastic, cryptoclimate, cryptoclimatology, Cryptococcaceae, Cryptococcales, cryptococcosis, cryptococcus, cryptocolpate, cryptocommercialism, crypto-communist, crypto-crystal, cryptocrystalline, cryptocyanine, cryptocyst, cryptocystean, cryptocystis, cryptodate, cryptodeterminant, cryptodidymus, Cryptodira, cryptodont, cryptoendolith, cryptoendomitosis, cryptoflavin, cryptofluorescence, cryptogam, cryptogamia, cryptogamian, cryptogamic, cryptogamous, Cryptogastra, cryptogear, cryptogemma, cryptogemmy, cryptogenetics, cryptogenic, cryptoglioma, cryptogram, cryptogrammic, cryptograph, cryptographer, cryptographic, cryptographical, cryptographically, cryptographist, cryptography, cryptoguard, cryptogyne, cryptohalite, cryptolalia, cryptolepine, cryptoleukemia, cryptolite, cryptolith, cryptologic, cryptological, cryptology, cryptomedusa, cryptomelane, cryptomenorrhea, cryptomere, cryptomeria, cryptomerism, cryptomerorachischisis, cryptomerous, cryptometer, cryptomitosis, cryptomnesia, Cryptomonadales, Cryptomonadida, cryptomorphic, cryptomycin, Cryptonemiales, cryptonephry, cryptonet, cryptonym, cryptoolitic, cryptopart, cryptoperthite, cryptopetalous, Cryptophagidae, cryptophthalmia, cryptophthalmos, Cryptophyceae, Cryptophyta, cryptophyte, cryptopine, cryptoplasm, cryptopore, cryptopsychic, cryptopsychism, cryptorchid, cryptorchidectomy, cryptorchidism, cryptorchism, cryptorrhea, cryptosciascope, cryptoscope, cryptosecurity, cryptoseptate, cryptosexual, cryptosporidiosis, cryptosporiopsin, cryptosterol, cryptostoma, Cryptostomata, cryptostructure, cryptosynarthry, cryptosystem, cryptosyzygy, cryptotext, cryptotia, cryptotope, cryptotype, cryptovolcanic, cryptovolcanism, cryptowolline, cryptoxanthin, cryptoxanthol, cryptozoa, cryptozoic, cryptozoite, cryptozonate, cryptozoology, cryptozoon, crypts, cryscope, Crysis, crystadyne, crystal, crystal ball, crystal lattice, crystal oscillator, crystal violet, crystal-ball, crystalbar, crystal-bar, crystalbumin, crystalchecked, crystal-clear, crystal-controlled, crystalfibrin, crystal-field, crystal-gazer, crystalize, crystall-, crystalli, crystalliferous, crystalligerous, crystallin, crystalline, crystalline lens, crystallinenature, crystallinesubstance, crystallinity, crystallinoclastic, crystallinohyaline, crystallise, crystallite, crystallitic, crystallitis, crystallizability, crystallizable, crystallization, crystallize, crystallizer, crystallo-, crystallobionts, crystalloblast, crystalloblastesis, crystallocyst, crystallofluorescence, crystallogenesis, crystallogeny, crystallogphy, crystallogram, crystallograph, crystallographic, crystallography, crystallohydrate, crystalloid, crystallology, crystalloluminescence, crystallo-luminescence, crystallomagnetism, crystallometer, crystallometry, crystallomycin, crystallon, crystallophobia, crystallophy, crystallophysics, crystallose, crystalluria, crystalon, crystals, crystal-tipped, crystalviolet, crystobalite, crystogen, Crystolon, crythrokeratodermia, crytic, crytogene, CS, CSA, CSAMT, CSAR, Csardas, CSAS, CSAV, CSB, csc, CSCAP, CSCB, CSCD, CSCE, csch, CSCL, C-scope, CSCS, CSCW, CSD, CSDN, CSDP, CSE, csect, CSer, CSES, CSF, CSFB, CSFs, CSG, CSI, CSIA, CSIR, CSIRO, CSL, CSLA, CSLIP, CSM, CSMA, CSMA/CD, CSMP, CSMPS, CSMS, CSN, CSNET, CSO, CSP, CSPDN, CSPFA, CSPI, CSPO, CSPP, CSR, CSRO, CSS, CSSB, CSSCI, CSSL, CSSR, CSST, CST, CStar, CSTG, CSTI, CSTK, CSTNet, CSTR, CStrike, CSTS, CSU, C-surface, CSV, CSW, CSX, C-symmetry, CT, CT7n, CTA, CTAB, CTAIS, CTB, CTC, CTCP, CTCS, CTD, ctDNA, CTE, ctene, ctenidium, ctenocyst, Ctenodrilidae, ctenoid, Ctenophora, ctenophoran, ctenophore, Ctenostomata, C-terminal, CTF, CTFE, CTGF, CTI, CTL, CTM, ctn, CTnI, ctns, CTO, CTOA, CTOD, CTOL, CTP, CTPS, ctr, CTRA, Ctrl, ctRNA, CTS, CTT, CTTL, ctty, CTU, CTV, CTX, cu, cu.cm., cuatro, cub, Cuba, cubage, cubalaya, Cuban, Cuban heel, cubane, cubanite, Cubanize, Cubanologist, Cubans, cubature, cubbing, cubbish, cubby, cubbyhole, cubby-hole, cubbyhouse, cube, cube root, cubeb, cubebin, cubebinolide, cubebism, cubed, cubelets, cubelike, cube-like, cuber, cubera, cubes, cubex, cubhood, cubhunting, cub-hunting, cubic, cubic centimeter, cubic centimetre, cubic foot, cubic inch, cubic measure, cubic meter, cubic metre, cubic yard, cubical, cubichnia, cubicite, cubicity, cubicle, cubics, cubicule, cubiculum, cubiform, cubilose, cubing, cubism, cubist, cubit, cubitainer, cubital, cubitals, cubitus, cuboctahedron, cuboid, cuboidal, cuboite, cuboizite, Cubomedusae, cubond, cubooctahedron, cubraloy, cubs, cucaivite, cucalite, cucaracha, cucculolidine, cuchifrito, cuckold, cuckoldry, cuckoo, cuckoo clock, cuckoo-bud, cuckooflower, cuckoopint, cuckoo-pint., cuckoo-spit, cucm, cucoloris, cucubano, Cucujidae, Cucujoidea, Cuculidae, cuculiform, cuculiformes, cuculla, cucullar, cucullaris, cucullate, cuculliform, cucullus, Cucumariidae, cucumber, cucumiform, cucura, cucurbit, Cucurbitaceae, cucurbitaceous, cucurbitacin, Cucurbitales, cucurbitane, cucurbitin, cucurbitol, cucurbits, cucurbitula, cucurbocitrin, cud, cudbear, cuddie, cudding, cuddle, cuddles, cuddlesome, cuddling, cuddly, cuddy, cudgel, cudweed, Cudworth, cue, cue stick, cue-ball, CueClub, cueing, cueist, cuelure, cuemid, Cuenca, cues, cuesta, cuesymbol, cuetrack, cueva, cufenium, Cuferco, cuff, cuff link, cuffed, cuffing, cuffless, cuffs, cuffy, Cufic, CUG, cuiller, cuilleron, cuirass, cuirassed, cuirassier, cuish, cuisine, cuisse, cuke, culch, culdesac, cul-de-sac, culdocentesis, culdocope, culdoscope, culdoscopy, culdotomy, culet, culex, culicid, culicidae, culicidal, culicide, culicidologist, culicifuge, Culicinae, culicine, culinary, cull, cullage, culled, Cullen, cullender, culler, cullet, Cullian, culling, cullion, cullis, cull-tie, cully, culm,


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