1.Have I been 'sooth sinsyne.
2.The natural color super-corpuscule will soften the lines, sooth the tired look and prevent outside stimulations such as UV.
1.He did? Yes, and your mother, whose lullaby could sooth even the souls of Icelandic fisherman.
是吗 是的 还有你的母亲,你母亲那首摇篮曲给他的自生力得到了任何慰藉。
2.Just assess whether or not they are useful to you nd evolve them to sooth your own needs.
3.And snugly swaddling for babies is on the rise—it can sooth excessive crying and help induce sleep.
4.And the Sense of Chill is like a gentle breeze that can sooths the tense nerves.
而 Sense of Chill 就像一阵微风,缓紧张的神经。机翻
5.But these jests did not tell materially on the afternoon, or his suspense; and, sooth to say, they both lagged fearfully.
但是这些玩笑并没有说明下午的实际情况, 也没有说明他的悬念; 而且,说,他们都落后得很厉害。机翻
6.Her daughters listened in silence to this effusion, sensible that any attempt to reason with or sooth her would only increase the irritation.
女儿们一声不响,只是听着她发牢骚。她们都明白,要是你想跟她评评理,<>pan class="key">安慰安慰她,那就等于火上加油。
7." But, now, I would ask of my well-skilled physician, whether, in good sooth, he deems me to have profited by his kindly care of this weak frame of mine" ?
——“但是, 现在,我想问问我的技术娴熟的医生,他是否真的认为我从他对我这个虚弱的身体的善意照顾中获益了” ?机翻