1.A lady wears white yarn tippet, svelte coming from a distance.
1.They whispered to one another about the taffeta lining, and about little mouse tippets.
他们互相窃窃私语, 谈论塔夫绸衬里老鼠小披肩。机翻
2.She had a white fur tippet about her neck and made no fussy objections when Emil fingered it admiringly.
的脖子上着一条白色的毛皮披肩, 当埃米尔用手指抚摸它时, 没有大惊小怪地反对。机翻
3.She put on a lilac silk gown, for the party, and an embroidered muslin apron and tippet.
4.The spasmodic movement which she had just made had slightly displaced her tippet; Julien caught a view of her charming shoulders.
刚刚做的痉挛性运动使的披肩稍微移位了; 于连瞥见了迷人的肩膀。机翻
5.Beautiful white hair hung straight all round his head, like a saint's, and fell in a single curl upon the tippet.
美丽的白发笔直地垂在头上, 像个圣人的头发, 在尖端卷曲地落下。机翻
6." No breadth at all, and cut on the cross; it is no breadth at all; tippets for mice and ribbons for mobs! for mice" ! said the Tailor of Gloucester.
“根本没有宽度, 在十字架上切割; 它根本没有宽度; 老鼠的小披肩暴民的缎带!老鼠” !格洛斯特裁缝说。机翻