Paramedics unbolted the toilet seat, and while wheeling a "frightened and humiliated" Dougherty out of the store, he passed out.
The Wise Old Lady worked as a gatekeeper unbolting the gate for carriages and horses of a ranch.
" In that case, you would have found the door unbolted" .
Then he went across to his mother whilst I unbolted the door that gave on the corridor.
然后他走到他母亲身边, 而我打开了通往走廊门。
" No—she can stay only one night, " said Hepzibah, unbolting the door.
“不——她只能待一晚, ” 赫普兹巴说着打开了门栓。
Cold job, cold comfort when somebody left the loading port unbolted so nicely.
She unbolted the door, and was strained to her friend's emaciated bosom.
她打开门栓, 紧紧地靠在她朋友消瘦怀里。
” The man unbolted the door at top and bottom.
” 那人打开了上下门。
“Surely I might let this honest old woman come in.” thought Snow White, and unbolted the door and bought the pretty lace.
”Chapter SixteenA PLANAND A NARROW ESCAPE DICK unbolted the door at the top and bottom and flung it open.
“第十六章 一个狭窄逃生鸡巴从顶部和底部打开门闩,将其甩开。
There was a door in the kitchen, communicating with the forge; I unlocked and unbolted that door, and got a file from among Joe's tools.
She knew a small side door which she could unbolt herself and she flew downstairs in her stocking feet and put on her shoes in the hall.
However, he went to the length of unbolting it, and opening and shutting it several times; this he did with the utmost precaution against making any noise.
然而,他还是把它拧开, 开合了好几次; 他这样做时非常小心, 不发出任何声音。
'I will let the old lady in; she seems to be a very good sort of body, ' thought Snowdrop, as she ran down and unbolted the door.
“我会让老太太进来;她身体似乎很好, ” 雪莲心想,一边跑下去打开门闩。