She is living in wanton luxury.
He quickly wantoned away his inheritance.
A third officer was charged with first-degree wanton endangerment of her neighbors.
As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods; they kill us for their sport.
A great deal of extinction, Flannery and Schouten discovered, hasn't been cruel or wanton, but just kind of majestically foolish.
This has several possible meanings, including " wanton" to " mischievous."
Or borne on wings of gold in wanton circle floats.
Its origin—jealousy perhaps, or wanton cruelty—was yet to be unravelled.
And there will remain only the wanton soul in the virgin body'.
在处女身体里, 只会留下肆意灵魂。
On warm evenings he would dine in his shirt-sleeves and feel deliciously wanton and bohemian.
在温暖夜晚, 他会穿着衬衫进餐, 感觉放荡不羁, 放荡不羁。
The Belgian Congo joined other European colonies in Africa where wanton extraction was to be replaced by a supposedly civilising mission.
We charged them with wanton endangerment.
Retaliation by the university for speaking my mind, gender, race, age discrimination, a hostile work environment, wanton breach of contract, neglect.
That's why it's willful and wanton conduct and subject to high punitive damages.
这就是故意和肆无忌惮行为 所以遭受了高额惩罚性赔偿。
His wanton pigs wallowed in the mud
He stood firmly on his feet, his legs a little apart, and he had a bold, reckless, wanton look.
他双脚稳稳地站着, 双腿微微分开, 一副豪爽肆意样子。
To be wanton, that is to say, to be darkened in heart--this is to be far from thy face.
放肆,就是心里阴暗, 这就是远离你脸。
At this moment a tame Linnet flew towards her, nestled its head between her breasts, and nibbled them in wanton play.
就在这时,一只驯服红雀飞到她身边, 把头埋在她两乳之间, 肆意地啃咬着。
But the real objection is that an elegant fence would bring to the Creek a wanton orderliness that is out of place.
" Listen to that wanton, " said Korableva, calling Maslova's attention to the strange sounds that came from the other end of the cell.
How enchanting was the timid innocence of her eyes, and how different from the wanton expression, the wild luxurious fire which sparkles in Matilda's!
她眼中胆怯纯真多么迷人, 玛蒂尔达眼中闪耀野性奢华火焰与放肆表情有多么不同!
There's an old definition of " wanton, " not used as much anymore, to describe a woman who has sexual relations with many different men.
“肆意” 有一个古老定义, 现在已经不那么常用了,它用来形容一个女人与许多不同男人发生性关系。