| 划词

1.There are many kinds of syntaxon positions on xi in Chuci, For different syntaxon positions, the voice of xi is also different.




gunner-commander, gunners, gunnery, gunning, gunniting, gunny, gunnybag, gunnysack, gunpaper, gunplay,


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1.You can just say, OK, for each xi I just perform this operation.

你可以说,好的,对于每个 xi 我只执行这个操作。机翻


2.And what we want to do is write this right here just in terms of xi's.

我们要做的就在这里用 xi 的形式写下来机翻


3.So you take each of the data points in the population-- xi.

因此,您获取总体中的每个数据点 - xi机翻

Bayesian Statistics

4.I plug in the actual data, the XIs.

入实际数据,即 XI。机翻

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5.Edit, Undo, minus 2 times mu times the sum from i is equal to 1 to n of xi.

编辑,撤消,减去 2 乘以 mu 乘以 i 的和等于 xi 的 1 到 n机翻

2The Nature of Personal Reality

6.The songs can also be translated, but they communicate emotionally whether xi or not the words are understood.


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Bayesian Statistics

7.And it turns out my problem set up, the XIs are normal is too strong of a statement.

事实证明,我的问题设置,XI 常的,这太强烈了。机翻

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Bayesian Statistics

8.If the xi's were normally distributed, this just happens.

xi 态分布的, 这种情况就会发生。机翻

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Bayesian Statistics

9.If the xi's are not normally distributed, this eventually happens.


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Bayesian Statistics

10.So this is p to the sum of the xi's plus alpha minus 1.

所以这 p 与 xi 的总和加上 alpha 减去 1。机翻

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Bayesian Statistics

11.1 Minus p to the n minus sum of the xi's plus beta minus 1.


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Bayesian Statistics

12.We see some xi's from a Bernoulli distribution.


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Bayesian Statistics

13.So this looks like some of the xi's plus alpha over n plus alpha plus beta.

所以这看起来像一些 加 alpha 超过 n 加 alpha 加 beta。机翻

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Bayesian Statistics

14.For p, given all of my data, this is going to be proportional to n choose some of the xi's.

对于 p,给定我的所有数据,这将与 n 选择一些 机翻

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Bayesian Statistics

15.What's the sampling distribution for all of the xi's?


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Bayesian Statistics

16.Exactly, if all these xi's are independent.

确切地说, 如所有这些xi独立的。机翻

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Bayesian Statistics

17.But keep in mind, the xi's are not independent.

但请记住, 独立的。机翻

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Bayesian Statistics

18.And all of the xi's is n-dimensional.


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Bayesian Statistics

19.The sum of the xi's is sufficient.

xi 的总和就足够了。机翻

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Bayesian Statistics

20.But it's more than just a general artifact that all I need to know is the sum of the xi's.

但这不仅仅一个通用的人工制品,我只需要知道 的总和机翻

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