He narrowly escaped death.
We made it by the skin of our teeth.
But she was nearly killed when electric wires and the pole that held them up collapsed.
But I was at home and close to my drugs, and I was most deeply grateful for my escape.
The bi-partisan group is led by former congress woman Gabrielle Giffords who in 2011 narrowly survived an assassination attempt.
Bi-partisan组织由前国会女议员Gabrielle Giffords领导。她曾在2011年的暗杀行动中死一。
But you almost got injured, it was very close – it was a narrow escape.
'That was a very narrow escape, ' said Stickly-Prickly.
“那是一次死一, ” Stickly-Prickly 说。
With this narrow escape, the Argonauts finally had Colchis in their sights.
凭借这次死一, 阿尔戈英雄们终于将科尔基斯带到了他们的视线中。
We survived... barely. - I used Trigger as a human shield.
我们活下来了 死一 -我用特雷格当人肉盾牌。
He hoped they would see the troops, and be quelled by the thought of their narrow escape.
他希望他们能看到部队, 并被死一的念头压住。
She wandered restlessly about the house, but not on account of their joint narrow escape from death.
她不安地在屋子里转来转去, 但并不是因为他们共同死一。
The teenage Olive survived the attack that killed most of her family, and experienced a life that few lived to tell of.
A " narrow escape" is when you get away from a dangerous or difficult situation without being harmed, without injury.
“死一” 是指你在没有受到伤害、没有受伤的情况下逃离危险或困难的情况。
After many similar hair-breadth escapes, we at last swiftly glided into what had just been one of the outer circles, but now crossed by random whales, all violently making for one centre.