I had visions of us getting hopelessly lost.
The Doors of Perception was published in the mid 1950s by Aldous Huxley, about Huxley's experience taking a kind of drug called " mescaline." This was a drug that made people hallucinate.
The Doors of Perception 是奥尔德斯·赫胥黎 (Aldous Huxley) 于 1950 年代中期版一本书,讲述了赫胥黎服用一种名为“麦斯卡林” 药物经历。 这是一种使人产生幻觉药物。
But they don't really have a stable identity, a sense of self that we associate with most certainly animal brains, they still hallucinate confabulate, they could have a limited learning ability, but you can't put them through college.
Some researchers think that overly responsive dopamine systems might magnify brain activity in some way, perhaps creating hallucinations and other so-called positive symptoms as the brain loses its capacity to tell the difference between internal and external stimuli.