For grating in the optical pick-up head, the compensability between the longitudinal and transverse error practical references on the manufacture of grating.
Well equipped, these instruments feature: multiple entrance and exit ports, high precision wavelength drives, extended range operation, Echelle, and oversize grating mounting capabilities.
According to the theory of scalar diffraction, first, the equipollence of spatial distribution of the plane-wave interferential field and parallel projective sine grating is discussed.
As a practical example, an astigmation corrected scanning flat holographio concave grating (SFHCG) is designed and some results of the numerical and optical experiments are given.
The wavelength division effect of grism in a multi-wavelengths optical system is discussed, the grism consist of a tranditional optical prism and a diffraction optical phase grating.
The facility measuring 3D glow curve is mainly consists of a polychromator, linear sample heater and a high sensitive CCD detector which are interfaced to a microcomputer.
To pull this off, computers needed an extra piece of hardware that could read characters out of RAM, and convert them into raster graphics to be drawn onto the screen.
Chu demonstrated the " invisibility" at the event, and he made his legs disappear directly with the help of a magical material called " lenticular grating" that allows light to be refracted regularly.
If the graphics card saw the 8-bit code for the letter " K" , then it would raster scan the 2D pattern for the letter K onto the screen, in the appropriate position.