Then he charged. Hassan hurled the rock. It struck Assef in the forehead. Assef yelped as he flung himself at Hassan, knocking him to the ground. Wall and Kamal followed.
She was maybe eight feet tall and looked like she could beat me up with one hand, but instead she just nodded at me and said, " Hey, I really felt that. Thanks."
Leaping into the saddle Abdul Kamak dashed for the village gates. The Sheik, momentarily stunned by the blow that had felled him, now staggered to his feet, shouting lustily to his followers to stop the escaped Arab.
The impact knocked me to the ground. " Oops" ! Dad hollered. I rolled over on the ice, winded. By the time I'd scrambled to my feet, Dad had launched something else. I ducked but lost my footing and fell.