So we should acknowledge it openly rather than let it dissociate from the criminal law theory or interpret it irrelevantly.
" Not Stannis. Nor Myrcella" . The yellow smile widened. " Another. Stronger than Tommen, gentler than Stannis, with a better claim than the girl Myrcella. A savior come from across the sea to bind up the wounds of bleeding Westeros" .
" 不是史坦尼斯,也不是弥赛菈," 满嘴黄牙笑得更灿烂了," 另有其人。此人比托曼更强壮,比史坦尼斯更温和,比弥赛菈这小女生更加名正言顺。这将是漂洋过海为流血维斯特洛疗伤治病伟大救世主。"