The bamboo shoot, after showing its tip, unfolds the thinking, catching the sunlight, artlessly and vivaciously grows up and up, talks with the blue sky in its fresh and tender heart language.
It's like tossing a rock in the air, and instead of it slowing down and falling back down into your hand, it shot upwards faster and faster, defying Earth's gravity.
Charles was a middle-aged, lightish-colored man, with weak and watery eyes and a mustache that twisted fiercely and vigorously up, giving the lie to the limply drooping lip it concealed.
Draw energy up from the arches, the inner thighs, lift up through the front body, ground through the back body, and roll up, rise up strong, feel the blood flow.
From tree to tree swung Meriem working ever upward toward the smaller branches which would not bear the weight of her pursuers. Faster and faster came the bull apes after her.
A Roman-style fountain stands in front of the entrance, and inside, a spiral staircase curls upward beneath an immense chandelier, suggesting a kind of European pastiche pushing back against the California wilderness.