Several passive biosorption mechanisms of uranium such as complexation,redox,microprecipitation and ion exchange are discussed,and the trend of development is forecasted.
The new methods mainly contain the adsorption of natural materials, modification materials, humic acids, biosorption, quod of silicon micro encapsulization and nanotechnology.
The property that Activated Carbon Fiber (ACF) materials absorb sulfur dioxide in ambient air was studied by the Tetrachlorowercurate (TCM) pararosaniline method.
Phytostabilization: Immobilization of a contaminant through absorption and accumulation by roots, adsorption onto roots, or precipitation within the root zone of plants.
There were three types of grinding aids with different absorbent membranes: oily membrane grinding aids,aquosity membrane grinding aids and oily-aquosity membrane grinding aids.
OBJECTIVE:To study the adsorption of disposable transfusion connective tube and infusion needle for single use only to nitroglycerin in intravenous injection via minipump.
The results indicate that the modification by heating and acids could not significantly increase the adsorption capacity of the modified stellerite for ammonia nitrogen.
Tigogenin was separated completely from the crude sapogenins by macroporous resin column chromatography,only simple solvent Ilelute was used in the column of the separate process.
The dechlorination process for the naphtha feedstock to a hydrogen plant presented in this paper is a chemical adsorption process using a demestically-made dechlorinating catalyst.
In this paper, we have studied the diffusion of trimer and hexamer on Pt (111) surface, the atomic interaction is modeled by the embedded-atom method potential.
我们使用原子嵌入势(Embedded atom method)来描述原子间的相互作用,研究Pt(111)表面上吸附三聚物和六聚物的自扩散现象。
But for benzene, when treated with SDM-A there was a turning point in its adsorption isotherm, which corresponding to the dividing point between monomolecular and multimolecular layer adsorption.
It is favorable for the increase of the adsorption film thickness by increasing the lyophobic chain.The determination of adsorption film thickness verifies the validity of the modification result.
Active carbon used as preseparation agent, from which the SO42- is easily eluted has high adsorbance for four dyes.In addition, it is cheap and easily got as well.
These release electrons when deformed, and can be attached to beating hearts so that they are slightly bent with each heart beat, generating electricity.
22. And a filamentous fungus can adsorb toxic heavy metals...bind them to the surface of its enormous network of filaments-and thereby detoxify a large soil ecosystem.
Untold tonnes end up as irretrievable ocean flotsam, which sunlight and salt fragment into microscopic pieces that attract toxins and may be gulped by creatures that become seafood.
By trapping these tiny pieces of floating plastic, the mucus acts like a magnet – an object that attracts certain materials, like metal, or in this case, microplastic waste.
One is that eristostatin has a particular affinity for melanoma cells, which presumably have a protein on their surfaces that is similar to the one which attracts eristostatin to platelets.
Nose hairs at the entrance of the nasal cavity get coated with that mucus and are able to trap large particles of dust and pollen as well as bacteria, forming tiny clumps of boogers.