Her skirt trails on the floor.
It is paper of native Indian manufacture, he remarked. It has at some time been pinned to a board.
Peter went in and rapped his knuckles on it to make sure that it was solid.
This is what I use for climbing indoors, and for climbing, like training on boards.
And you just wanna make sure you're cleaning it off because you don't want the sprinkles sticking to the board.
It's the second time I've fixed something on the board.
What can the Denver defense... Oh my gosh, your hand was on the board.
So what I really have on the board is an array of arrays.
Yes, that's what I have. It's not on the board.
罗斯:, 这就我所拥有。它不在板上。
I actually have broken my feet four times on the board from the wave hitting the board back at me in a certain way.
And it's actually the end where you can see all of the idioms on the board.
Okay, so we have the first three examples on the board, so let's have a look.
Ramon thinks tying boards to your feet and going down a hill is crazy.
Ramon觉得把板绑在脚上 然后从山上往下滑疯掉了。
I'm going to give you a hint. It's on the board. That's your strong suit, being alone?
我要给你个提示。 它在板上。 那你强项, 独自人?
When you rub the soft slate-pencil upon the slate, many little pieces of the pencil are broken off.
把软板石笔在板石上蹭蹭, 就会有很多板石笔碎片掉下来。
I used to stack my random little toys on my board and I would just push it around everywhere.
And then, I also like to top with some chopped walnuts, and then place a decorative knife on the board as well.
然后, 我还喜欢在上面放些切碎核桃,然后在板上放把装饰刀。
When we're talking about a time that's completed, maybe 20-30 years ago, worms weren't allowed to be on the board teaching with humans.
当我们谈论个已经完成时代时, 也许 20 到 30 年前,不允许蠕虫出现在板上与人类起教学。
But because we already have some sweet cheese on the board we're actually gonna turn it into salty and pair it with some olive bread.
We can calculate the potential energy stored in this field by integrating the voltage over the charge in the plates, which reduces down to one half charge time voltage.
我们可以通过积分张力来计算存储在该场中势能 在两个板电荷上,它最多减少半电荷乘以张力。