The robbers rammed the gag in her mouth.
I can't even get one of my ball gags in there.
And who needs 12 ball gags anyway?
She understood, and quickly removed the gag that stifled me.
He'll not permit you to untie her gag until you're off Arrakis.
(gagging) - Don't be rude to my culture, okay?
(堵嘴) - 不要对我文化无礼, 好吗?
Oh, so now you don't like ball gags?
哦 现在又不喜欢戴堵嘴球了?
They were going to keep with these short films. The short films were sometimes described as " gag (gag) cartoons."
他们打算继续制作这些短片。 这些短片有时被描述为“堵嘴(gag)卡通片” 。
" Listen, this isn't just a bunch of gag lines, Mr. Marlowe. I called her up. She'll see you. On business" .
“听着,马洛先生,这不仅仅是一堆堵嘴台词。我给她打了电话。她会见。有事” 。
His face was of a monstrous and unnatural pink, vivid yet dead, and over his mouth was fastened what appeared to be a gag.
他脸是一种怪异、不自然粉红色, 生动而又死气沉沉, 他嘴上系着一个似乎是堵嘴东西。
One time I was eating and there was a big chewy bit in it [gags] Oh, yeah, it started bringing back memories actually now.
有一次我在吃东西, 里面有一大块有嚼劲东西[堵嘴]哦,是,它现在真开始勾起我回忆了。
Unable to speak or move, She expressed her fury by her looks, and except at meals I never dared to unbind her, or release her from the Gag.
A " gag cartoon" was a short cartoon in which there was a lot of physical movement, and the comedy – the funny part of the cartoon – usually involved some sort of exaggerated or large movement.
“堵嘴卡通” 是一种短小卡通, 其中有很多肢体动作,而喜剧——卡通中有趣部分——通常涉及某种夸张或大动作。