However, to avoid any imminent dangers, the institutor may proceed without prior approval as temporary safeguards and file with the authority-in-charge.
Except as otherwise noted, shares are owned beneficially and of record, and such record shareholder has sole voting, investment, and dispositive power.
Our work focus on the research field of Photobiological hydrogen production, fermentative hydrogen production, dispose and resource utilization of organic waste, application of microorganism resource.
Radioactive nuclides are solidified at crystal lattice as one part of crystalloid by zirconolite-rich synroc, which greatly enhances the long-term safety of radioactive waste disposing.
In addition, the paper for beating degree, firmness and filling, sizing, and so on, with the crimpness, self-crimping to marketizing of paper also focuses on the papermakig process.
It tends to be disposed of by adding moral coloration to actions that are really motivated by expediency, and an expediential coloration to actions that are motivated by moral and humanitarian values.
What this shows is that the purpose of the provision of timely redelivery in the charterparty is to enable the ship to be at the full disposal of the owners from the redelivery date.