Objective: To study the anti-free base effect of Guang Ju jube, Humifuse Euphorbia, Rush Pith fragrant plant, Multi-leave Jidou and Blue Potted Flower.
The Pyncheon Elm, throughout its great circumference, was all alive, and full of the morning sun and a sweet-tempered little breeze, which lingered within this verdant sphere, and set a thousand leafy tongues a-whispering all at once.
品钦榆树,在它的大圆周上, 生机勃勃,充满了早晨的阳光和温和的微风, 它在这片青翠的球体中徘徊, 同时让一千条多叶的舌头齐声窃窃私语。
Although so unconventional when full-grown, the sugar pine is a remarkably proper tree in youth — a strict follower of coniferous fashions — slim, erect, with leafy branches kept exactly in place, each tapering in outline and terminating in a spiry point.