Keystroke Assignment enables almost any combination of computer keyboard shortcuts to be assigned with a single click to any control on Novation’s Automap Hardware controllers.
按键分配几乎可以任意组合的计算机键盘快捷方式分配一次点击任何控制更新的Automap硬件控制器。(ReMOTE SL, SL Compact and Nocturn).(远程Sl的, Sl的Nocturn ) 。
The question of the boundary of NESA is discussed based on the comparison of contract cost, legal cost of integration and other costs between Enterprises Integration and NESA.
Unfortunately we know less about them than we should like since they are kept mainly in charters, runic books, a few poems, and some interlinear translations of the Bible.
Article 30 A pawn ticket is a loan contract between a pawnshop and a pawner, and is the credence of payment of pawn money to the pawner by the pawnshop.