I was coddled and cosseted.
I'm not afraid of some spoiled, rich brat.
That's what all our delicately nurtured and pure-minded Southern ladies think.
My mom couldn't believe her ears. Then she called me spoiled and ungrateful.
我妈妈简直不敢相信自己的耳朵 然后她说我娇生惯养 忘恩负义。
Patience indeed! Nothing else would bring those tiny, spoiled little creatures to the point of spinning their cocoons.
Only a few hands went up, suggesting they were not quite as cosseted as he had thought.
These kids today are so coddled, I honestly think y'all are raising a whole generation of sissies.
Rich, spoiled, and ungrateful for the privilege you were born into- Sorry, adopted into.
家财万贯、娇生惯养,对于出生就有的各种特权也不懂感恩… … 不好意思,是领养而有。
I am not a baby. -Be serious. Every time -You act like a princess. -You know what?
我才不幼稚呢。 -严格来说,每次都是。-你娇生惯养… -你知道吗?
Her mother Kate, just 23 years old, was a pampered Southern belle who doted on her first child.
她的母亲凯特只有 23 岁,是娇生惯养的南方美女,非常溺爱她的子。
Georgiana, who had a spoiled temperament, was always indulged.
乔治亚娜生性娇生惯养 总是娇生惯养。
" There's a notion out there of the spoiled, entitled, glitz-and-glam lifestyle of Hollywood writers, " admits Mr Collins-Smith.
柯林斯-史密斯承认: “有种观念认为,好莱坞作家的生活方式是娇生惯养的、自命不凡的、浮华的。”
Not that this isn't already the case on most days, but they are especially pampered and showered with love today.
Now cynics like to mock the supposedly spoiled or callow youth of the new millennia.
On the whole, he gave one the impression of being a stupid, spoiled, conceited bounder.
Now that's a little spoiled. He was supposed to type " little, " the idiot!
是有点娇生惯养 他应该加上" 有点" 才对!
" Mollycoddling, we never did that in MY DAY, " was Gobber's opinion.
" 娇生惯养,我们在我那时代从来没有这样做过," 戈伯的观点是。
In these senses, military training provides a perfect chance for those high-fed, coddled and even spoiled youngsters to learn life lessons.
从这些意义上说, 军训为那些贪得无厌、娇生惯养甚至娇生惯养的年轻人提供了学习人生课程的绝好机会。
The banker, who at that time had too many millions to count, spoiled and capricious, was beside himself with rapture.
Over the next few days, she rode her bike, occasionally stopping to refresh her makeup so that she looked like a pampered housewife.
" You give way too much! Get up! You coddle yourself like a king! All the same, old chap, you don't smell nice" !
" 你把自己看得太重了! 起来吧! 你又不是娇生惯养的国王! 啊! 没关系,不要穷开心! 你不会觉得舒服的!"