Then there entered his big brother Walter, While the shepherd was soundly asleep, And he cut up the cows into baskets, And to jackstones turned all of the sheep.
If you imagine sort of a pebble falling into a pond, space and time are that pond and the drop of the pebble is the first time the two black holes collide.
Those she found on the ground were mostly rotten. She filled her skirt with the best of them and came back across the soft earth, collecting small pebbles in her slippers.
In another raccoon study, researchers showed the animals that by dropping pebbles into a water tank, they could raise the water level enough to reach a marshmallow floating at the top.
We can (and do) build buildings on wet sandy soil since the weight of the grains and the friction between them makes the soil behave as a solid most of the time.
When we step on saturated sand at the water's edge, it's fairly stable because the particles get pushed together and rest on each other, while any excess water escapes by flowing away to where the pressure is lower.
My lower leg was broken in at least nine places— the orthopedic surgeon who put me together again, the formidable David Brown, said that the region below my right knee had been reduced to “so many marbles in a sock.”