As they say, honesty is the best policy.
常言, 最佳策略。
I know we don’t speak the same language, but you know what they say: actions speak louder than words!
我知我们的观点, 你知常言: 行动胜于言辞!
As the saying goes, looks can be deceiving.
It is often said that necessity is the mother of invention.
Time, as they say, waits for no one.
Like they say, location, location, vengeance.
So, time for a break. You know what they say, right? An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
So as they say, all good things must come to an end. After only 232 episodes.
I like your conductor's uniform. - You know what they say? Dress for the job you want.
我喜你列车长制服。 - 常言道" 做什么工就穿什么装" 。
But is it wise to yank the lion's tail?
但常言道 狮子尾巴拉不得?
Boy, I know they say you can't change your parents, ...
常言道 父母是无法交换。
Well begun is half done, as the saying goes.
It is often said that good fences make good neighbors.
常言道 篱笆扎得牢 邻居处得好。
Dear God, that beard. - You know what they say.
天啊 那个胡子 - 常言道。
Well, I guess it's true what they say.
原来" 常言道" 是真有道理。
You can't hire my manicurist to put an addition on your apartment, yeah.
常言道 别请你美甲师来帮你公寓搞装潢。
Because, you know, they say you never get over your first love.
因为 常言道 初恋情人是一辈子都忘不掉。
I worked hard to be where I am today is a common refrain about the wealthy.
As they always say, why put off till tomorrow a party you could throw today? Cheers.
常言道 今天能开宴会为何还要推迟到明天 干杯。
Yes. An old saying goes like this: " Take a stroll after each meal, and you can live as long as you will."
They say the universe has a great sense of humor, that sometimes having your dreams come true can feel like a nightmare.
常言道上天老爱跟人们开玩笑,以致有时候 梦想成真时会像噩梦到来日。
" She was pretty enough for a camp follower, but I'm no longer in camp. Little men have big appetites, and I'm told the girls here are fit for a king" .
" 以营妓标准而言,她算是够了,不过我现下人不在军中。常言道:人小胃口大,听说这里女人连国王都迷得住。"