Employing their fast " lightning war" technique, called " Blitzkrieg, " Hitler's mighty tanks and high-tech air force, the Luftwaffe, swept across Europe.
More than 80 years have passed since England was devastated by German air force explosives, but some of the Detritus can still be found across the country.
The planes landed in the blockaded city and local volunteers provided support on the ground. Former mechanics of the Luftwaffe, the German air force, joined Americans in servicing the aircraft.
Castle Air Force Base, California; Ramstein Air Base, Germany; Bentwaters Royal Air Force, England; Edwards Air Force Base, California and Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina.
An effort to join the Luftwaffe, the German air-force which had been constituted under the command of Herman Goering in the mid-1930s, was also rejected, as Skorzeny's height was an issue.