To the judgement of mistake of office software market, did not make in time report to Internet market, " barratrous " , let NetWare push his to the corner that is forgotten.
对办公软件错误的判断,对互联网没有出及时地反映,一次次的“怠慢”,让 NetWare 推到了被人遗忘的角落。
With the notable exception of India's prime minister, Manmohan Singh, who has heroically persisted in dialogue with Pakistan in the face of provocations and domestic resistance, India's dealings with its neighbours are mostly driven by arrogance and neglect.
面对挑拨和国内反抗,印度总理辛格勇敢地坚持与巴基斯坦进行对话,在外交中采取贵的主动姿态。总体而言,印度对其邻居都是 傲和怠的。