Results The bilobular pectoral major myocutaneous was applied clinically in 16 cases. 13 flaps survived well and 3 flaps necrosed in the distal end of the flaps.
Our results showed its very effective to antisepsis and rootage which added 600-fold chlorthalonil 75%wettable powder to rootone, and it can also enhance survival of carnation cuttage.
Conclusio n:Primary pinnaplasty are all successfully performed with four different flaps and surgical ways.There is a large indication range,high flap survival rate and a good future for clinical use.
Abstract : In dry area or sandy dryland, for the reason of scarce rainfall, windiness and lack of labor power and material resources, the low survivor ratio of afforestation were common.
The lower house of congress in Chili has approved proposal that lifts a ban on abortion in cases of rape or where there is a serious health risk to the motheror when the fetus is no longer considered viable.